Hi, I'm Feyli.

I'm a French CS student


About me

I'm 16 years old, meaning I can drive in the USA and have a beer in Germany.


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I just really like being able to create any useful thing that goes through my head.

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Pianist, former organist and learning guitar. I generally like sounds. I listen to music A LOT.

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Video Games

I've mostly played FPSs in my life but I'm looking forward to playing more story games.

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I like creating content online, including videos. You can find my socials below.

My projects

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A multipurpose Discord bot anyone can use for free.


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Moyenne EcoleDirecte

A website that calculates your average grades on EcoleDirecte per pre-set timespan.


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Raycast Extensions

I have contributed to the Raycast Store by creating 2 extensions and contributing to an existing one.


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Arcane Blades

Arcane Blades is a Minecraft server created by . I'm responsible for the website, the Minecraft plugins, the API and the various Discord systems.


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